It’s time to celebrate summer and my favorite way is always a cocktail party with friends. A delightful outdoor cocktail party instantly invokes the words “fresh,” “summer,” and “mingle” – right!? Get in the spirit with this delightful Peach Fizz, a sweet cocktail that includes a fresh peach nectar. You know what I always say, “entertaining should be simple!” These cocktails are just that, simple and delicious.
Peaches are at their super-juicy ripest right now, and I’ve been adding them to as many dishes as possible. Though they’re delicious grilled, in a pie or simply eaten over the sink, they’re also just right for incredible cocktails. What can I say… I can’t get enough of this sweet summer fruit, and neither can my guests when I serve this drink at parties! What is your favorite way to enjoy peaches? Share your answers with me in the comment section below. Also, if you try this recipe let me know what you think. I find it to be the perfect refreshment on a hot summer day!
5 mins
15 mins
20 mins
1 1/2 cups of peach nectar
2 cups of water sparkling lime flavored
4 oz vodka
4 slice of peaches
4 lime slices
4 sprigs of rosemary
Serves 4